Saturday, January 22, 2011

Escaping SunnyLand

The bugs crawl from the rug to the wall.
Some big and some small, they cover the ceiling.
They cover me, but I don't notice the feeling.
I'm struck with panic, I'm soaked with sweat,
but all of the insects, they seemed to have left.
This vision's a mess,
I relive the nightmare as I get dressed.
Shoes on my feet,
before I step out the door, I brush my teeth.
Look in the mirror, but I'm already too deep.
can anybody hear me?
My words I can see, as they blow away in the breeze.
They seem so important to me, only I'm filled with uncertainty.
They think I don't see, but I see scenes to evil to speak.
Rain pours and covers the street.
Flows red, but instead is all in my head.
I smile, wave, and continue along on my way.
Nonchalantly going about the monotonies of my day.
Discouraged the sky starts to change.
Blades of gray begin to shift shades, disappear, and become clear.
My mind vanishes, then manages to reappear.
These colors just can't be real, I'm not even sure if I'm really here.
How's it going Ms. Ashley Tisdale, what brings you to my hell.
       "Why you of course, your remorse, has cause a stir of sorts.
             But your regret, is what I expect because, your not alive...

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