Wednesday, April 6, 2011

much, much later.

I don't know who it is I'm running from faster.
Is it you or me? This house, this road, or this town?
Shuffling through women in digits.
Is it what it is or isn't it just a disguise.
That hides them from me. Or me from me?
Awkwardness tinted behind shaded frames.
Feelings concealed by minutes of giggles.
Hatred is trapped, still lurking.
Searching for a victim.
Disappearing into the pavement.
They say misery loves company,
So accompany me, with an extension cord,
to the edge of this balcony.
Face-plant and splat fast.
Crap my pants and brag about it.
An ass shake, takes heart break, and makes
a wiggle a little more, more than already is little.
I look low and high.  Feel more low, the more high.
I've drew a circle in the sand.
Go to grab my hand and fall flat.

I love the lady behind the desk.
It's not her hair, it's not her smile.
Instead, its what she represents.
She's the consistency I seek and need.
Wake up and eat, go to leave, wave and feel relieved.
Its silly I know, but at least I know.
when i go, there's someone to know, though i know i go alone.
Hit the pavement, avoid the rain, stamp my way down the lane.
Arrive to the same place I hate.
A zombified sheep, I leap and reach,
the conclusions they lead me to reach.
I think I'd like to think.
I'd like to think, but think it's hard to think.
I fall in line, hit the road, and travel to my abode.
The lady behind the desk smiles and waves.

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